Maintenance Request Management System for Printers, Photocopiers, and their Spare Parts

Maintenance Request Management System for Printers, Photocopiers, and their Spare Parts

he program is a Maintenance Request Management System for printers, photocopiers, and their spare parts. The program aims to facilitate the process of managing and tracking maintenance requests for these devices and ensure the efficient and timely provision of maintenance services to customers.

Features of the program:

  1. Maintenance Requests: The program allows customers to submit maintenance requests for printers, photocopiers, and their spare parts when repairs or replacements are needed.
  2. Record Details: The program records request details provided by customers, such as device type, problem description, and request date.
  3. Visit Scheduling: The program schedules maintenance team visits to address submitted maintenance requests.
  4. Status Notifications: The program sends notifications to customers to update them on the status of their maintenance requests and the scheduled visit date.
  5. Maintenance Status Updates: The program enables the maintenance team to update the status of maintenance requests based on progress and repairs performed.
  6. Spare Parts Management: The program allows for the registration and management of available spare parts for the devices, automatically updating inventory after maintenance is completed.
  7. Maintenance Reports: The program provides comprehensive reports on maintenance status, the performance of the maintenance team, and the availability of spare parts.
  8. Customer Management: The program allows the registration of customer details and the history of previous maintenance requests to track the maintenance history for each customer.

In summary, the program aims to improve the efficiency of maintenance operations and provide excellent services to customers. It helps in managing spare parts and inventory effectively to ensure their continuous availability.

The technical specifications required to operate the maintenance system

  1. Minimum Requirements:
    • Shared hosting with at least 10 GB of storage space.
    • Apache server and MySQL database version 5.6 or lower, PHP version 8.0 or lower.

    Recommended (Higher) Requirements:

    • VPS (Virtual Private Server).
    • 60 GB NVMe disk.
    • 4 GB of RAM.
    • PHP version 8.1.
    • MySQL version 8.0.
    • Apache2 Server.

    The system has been developed using these technologies:

    • PHP version 8.1 and MySQL Database.
    • Laravel Framework.
    • HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript.
    • Metronic Dashboard.

Live images from inside the program